The concept of the ayurveda is old as the civilization of mankind. This had taken many turns inherited many an ideoloy along the passage of time, getting refined in to a fine art. The word 'ayurveda' is made of two syllables. The first part 'ayur' means long life, 'veda' menas scince. A mam who wishes to live a long and healthy life. The basic rule or the law is to live among and to take care of neself with nature. The creatures living on the surface cannot live under water and those that live under water cannot live on surface. Nature is considered as the mother of all begings, and that all living creatures are dependant on nature for their survival i.e everything revolves around nature and nature itself brings up, preseves its creations. Ayurveda strictly follows the rules of nature, as it points out:what, when, why, how, how, much:to,eat,work, rest, wash, bathe, which, help us to lead perfectly healthy life. There are two divisions in Ayurvedic treatment.
01. Toprotect the health of oneself
02. To take care of the sick
To lead a healthy life one has to follow the ayurvedic principles. To take care of the sick,the ayurvedic physician has to get a thorough knowledge so that he could determine whether the invalid is ill mentally or physically or both. Where for each patient, the physician has to diagnose the root of the cause and treat it accordingly. Since when the root of the illness is destoyed, the illnesss would not rise again.

Almost all prescriptions used in curing are produced by raw materials found naturally, where no artificial substances are used. These would come from roots, stems, barks, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits & nuts of many a plant. From animals:mils, honey, pearls, musk, shell and from earth iron, gold, silver & copper are used. Ayurvedic drugs do no harm to the organs of the body and do not give rise to any side effects. It has ben shown medical stuies that drugs used in ayurvedic act as nutrients.
The treatment done in ayurveda vary from simple oral treatment to more complex acupuncturing, electro treatment and inoculation. Panchakarma is a another effective form of ayurvedic treatment.
Various effets that take place when the human system grows old could be minimized or reversed by applying principles of ayurvedic treatment.
Ayurveda is an ancient form of healing, which had been improved through generations of healers who have through of nothing but the well being of the living. One find many proficient physician of ayurveda in Sri Lanka.
The concept of the ayurveda is old as the civilization of mankind. This had taken many turns inherited many an ideoloy along the passage of time, getting refined in to a fine art. The word 'ayurveda' is made of two syllables. The first part 'ayur' means long life, 'veda' menas scince. A mam who wishes to live a long and healthy life. The basic rule or the law is to live among and to take care of neself with nature. The creatures living on the surface cannot live under water and those that live under water cannot live on surface. Nature is considered as the mother of all begings, and that all living creatures are dependant on nature for their survival i.e everything revolves around nature and nature itself brings up, preseves its creations. Ayurveda strictly follows the rules of nature, as it points out:what, when, why, how, how, much:to,eat,work, rest, wash, bathe, which, help us to lead perfectly healthy life. There are two divisions in Ayurvedic treatment.
01. Toprotect the health of oneself
02. To take care of the sick
To lead a healthy life one has to follow the ayurvedic principles. To take care of the sick,the ayurvedic physician has to get a thorough knowledge so that he could determine whether the invalid is ill mentally or physically or both. Where for each patient, the physician has to diagnose the root of the cause and treat it accordingly. Since when the root of the illness is destoyed, the illnesss would not rise again.

Almost all prescriptions used in curing are produced by raw materials found naturally, where no artificial substances are used. These would come from roots, stems, barks, leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits & nuts of many a plant. From animals:mils, honey, pearls, musk, shell and from earth iron, gold, silver & copper are used. Ayurvedic drugs do no harm to the organs of the body and do not give rise to any side effects. It has ben shown medical stuies that drugs used in ayurvedic act as nutrients.
The treatment done in ayurveda vary from simple oral treatment to more complex acupuncturing, electro treatment and inoculation. Panchakarma is a another effective form of ayurvedic treatment.
Various effets that take place when the human system grows old could be minimized or reversed by applying principles of ayurvedic treatment.
Ayurveda is an ancient form of healing, which had been improved through generations of healers who have through of nothing but the well being of the living. One find many proficient physician of ayurveda in Sri Lanka.

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